WELCOME to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics (NucPhys)!

NucPhys is a 2-years Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme in Nuclear Physics (120 ECTS). The programme started in 2017-2018 as an Erasmus Mundus / Erasmus+ Master Course  of the European Union. This initial project has been running for three intakes. Then a new improved proposal was financed by the EACEA within the Erasmus Mundus Masters program for four additional intakes, starting in 2020-2021. In this new scheme, the Master Course is offered by a consortium of 7 partner universities in Spain, France and Italy, with the participation of more than 30 research institutions/companies as associated partners all around the World (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Romania, Switzerland (CERN), México, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, South-Africa, Morocco, Japan, etc).

Nuclear Physics is a broad matter of relevance from both the fundamental knowledge of Nature and the multiple applications to different fields of strategic economical relevance. Consequently, in this Master, fundamental theory and experiments as well as applications will be presented.

Fundamental Nuclear Physics, theory and experiments, is rapidly evolving from studies of nuclei close to the valley of beta-stability towards a description of vast regions of short-lived and exotic nuclei far from stability and at the nucleon drip-lines. These new results involving halo and borromean nuclei, superheavy elements, exotic radiactivity, etc. call for new theoretical an experimental developments in the understanding of both the structure and the relevant reaction mechanisms. Many open fundamental questions have to be addressed theoretical and experimentally, as for instance:

  • What are the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter as a function of temperature and density?
  • How can the rich variety of low-energy structure and reactions of nuclei be described in terms of the fundamental interactions between individual particles?
  • How can the evolution of nuclear collective and single-particle properties be predicted as functions of mass, iso-spin, angular momentum and temperature?
  • How do regular and simple patterns emerge in the structure of complex nuclei?
  • What are the key variables governing the dynamics between colliding composite systems of nucleons?
  • How and where are the elements made?
  • Can one understand the critical reactions that drive the energy generation and the associated synthesis of new elements in the stars?
  • What are the properties of dense matter in a hyper-compact object such as a neutron star?
  • How does the fate of a star depend on the nuclear reactions that control its evolution?


Concerning applications, just to mention few of them,  we can cite:

  • Energy resources (based on fusion or fission),
  • Biomedical sciences (including hadrotherapy, medical imaging, etc.),
  • Analysis and characterization of new materials,
  • Environmental studies (atmosphere, soil, waters),
  • Dating, art and archaeometry,
  • Airport, toll security and military applications,
  • Industrial automatization and control.

The main objective of the Master programme is to provide top-ranked students with an excellent background in Nuclear Physics (theory, experiments and applications) so as to educate experts in the field to meet the needs and challenges previously mentioned, and foster their future career in this field. At the same time, NucPhys students carry out their master studies in at least 3 countries, in a stimulating and scientifically excellent international environment.

NucPhys has a double educational approach. First, to train well-prepared specialists to enter the industry in any of the fields mentioned above. Second, to train students able to develop research programmes and make their PhD in the field of Nuclear Physics.

The official language of the course is English, but students are given the possibility to learn the languages of the host countries by attending language courses at the partner universities.

Successful students will be awarded a Master Degree by all partner universities.

In addition they will obtain a Diploma Supplement to facilitate the recognition of their degree in other universities/countries.

Structure and main topics

The Master is structured in five modules and divided into four semesters. A common introductory week and a common basis of fundamental knowledge will be given during the first semester. A progressive specialization is then acquired through one of three different paths offered: 1) Experiments in large accelerators, 2) Theoretical nuclear physics, and 3) Applications and small accelerators. All students will spend at least one semester in each participant country, and will benefit of a fully adapted curriculum according to their specialization path. Visits to nuclear physics facilities, distinguished visiting scholars, a 2-months internship, a common summer course (in collaboration with the TALENT USA-EU initiative), and the Master Thesis, complete the study programme.

NucPhys offers an excellent educational level in all branches of Nuclear Physics, including theoretical , experimental and applications. The main topics covered by the Master programme are:

  • Nuclear Structure
  • Nuclear Reactions
  • Experimental Nuclear Physics
  • Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Nuclear Physics Applications for Therapy
  • Nuclear Physics Applications in Small Accelerators
  • Nuclear Instrumentation
  • Experiments in Large Accelerators